Tuesday, April 12

books and winnie the pooh

jae had to work another late night so i put ellie to bed. amazingly, she did not cry like she sometimes does at nap times. i came downstairs and IMed jae. he asked what i was going to do...i replied..."pikmin...or maybe i should finish reading one of my many books." i have started Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, Lovely Bones, and Little Children. i could also do dishes or do laundry or dust the house...but i won't...he he he...

The Order of the Pheonix is slow reading in the beggining cuz Rowling(sp) is trying to re-explain everything to readers who haven't kept up with her series and she's introducing waaaayyy too many characters...i don't know that i would refrain ellie from reading Harry Potter books. if she is grounded, she would know better than to join a cult...i hope.

Lovely Bones i picked up at the bookstore, it seemed interesting to read from a dead person's point of view...it's about a girl who gets murdered and the whole book is from her perspective. she's frustruated cuz she knows who killed her, but no one else does and there's no way she can communicate that to anyone. there's a creepy part when the murderer is in her home offering condolences to her mom for her loss. i was taking turns reading that book and cross stitching...and well, there's no competition. cross stitching is stress relieving to me and i found the book to frustruate me too. now i just take that book with me when i go see my doctor. he usually runs 20 minutes late. i'm switching my doctor...anyways...

Little Children was reccommended by Jae...another child molesting book...i can't handle it...but i do worry that i identify myself with some of the women in the book...i will avoid a women's playground group and giving ellie scheduled snacks at all costs! but this is the current book i'm not committed to. you will find it on my coffee table.

Yes!!! jae and i actually brought out our coffee table and console. our living room almost looks like a living room. Hoorah!

And Winnie the Pooh is coming to Barnes and Noble (the one near/on Rand Rd.) this Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 10am. ellie and i are going Friday night. let me know if you want to join us. it will be fun!

i shall play pikmin after all.

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