Thursday, November 17

Ellie's Day

"Wing awound the wosies...poffy bull a bosies. Ashes! Ashes! We all pall DOWN! Yeah!"

Ellie sang this most of the day and made me sing and dance this with her. "Okay, stand up mommy. Again."

On another note, Ellie slipped and fell on her pajamas. I asked her "what happened?" She answers, "It's okay, mommy. I pell down."


tyggergirl said...

I love poffies. I don't like palling though. Anyhoo...

What a little trooper! It's always cute when the kid tries to reassure you that they're okay.

debbie said...

your days sound so much better than mine. wanna switch for a little?

debbie said...

wany, at times i can be quite slow and don't catch on fast enough. remember, the population i teach. not to knock them, but it doesn't take much to teach what i teach.

debbie said...

so, something occured to me on my drive home - you gave me 2 eprops! wow! oh, happy day!

Anonymous said...

I should tell Ellie how I pell down on my head and I wasn't ok for a while. But now I'm ok.

She's so smart and cute.

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