Tuesday, November 8


I was organizing all of Ellie's millions of clothes the other day and she decided to wear this red hat and dance around her room. It's interesting that I see her everyday, yet when I see her in photos, she looks so different, so grown up.
Ellie likes crawling on my back and tickling my neck with her chin while I work on puzzles. She gets a kick out of it. Notice how Chloe managed to squeeze herself into another photo? So opportunisitc!
Another "red" photo. Could you imagine her in a red sports car?


EJ said...

She is so adorable! I can't believe she's 2 already. I wonder what our little one will be doing when he's 2. I'm sure he'll also want to sport a red car. Drag racing???

Anonymous said...

oooh...the little lady in red! you know, she's gonna read this someday and insist that it's an implied contract for you to buy her a red sports car...