Tuesday, December 20


My New Year's Resolution...sleep before midnight.

Saturday, December 17


I wish I was 18 again. I'd love to act a fool yet be considered an adult...wait a minute...that's already me!

No reallly, I had an urge to dance the night away. Going to shady dance clubs every weekend was my poor addiction, but all activities soon came to a close soon after I met Jae. I thought I could bring him with me, but I didn't know how much he'd rather see a dentist 3 times a week than join me at a club once a month.

But I couldn't ask for more...oddly enough. Today, I laid down next to a roaring fire with my head on my husband's lap with my beautiful dog's head on my tummy as I scratched just the spot she couldn't reach, watching the Denver Broncos kicking Buffalo butt on tv as my beautiful and percocious daughter slept peacefully upstairs in her room. So I'm not at all complaining...in fact, I'm blessed. I just wish I was 18.

Tuesday, December 13

I'm a Film Critic!

It's close to midnight which means i'm sleeping early tonight. I usually crash at 1 or 2 am. Insomnia, perhaps or just too much on my mind? I foolishly drank coffee after a wonderful night out watching Narnia. Why foolish? Cuz it was around 10pm when I drank it, but thankfully i'm tired.

Just wanted to jot down these thoughts before my mind drifts off into dreamland...I've been spoiled magically. What do i mean? Narnia was all the magic and wonder I expected to experience from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, but did not. After watching 3 versions of Harry Potter series on the silver screen, I started to think about who and where and how each character and plot would unfold as if I were the director myself when I read books 4,5, and 6. So I think when I went to see Goblet of Fire, I was disappointed tremendously because it wasn't directed in the same fashion as my mind had directed it, which may explain why I enjoyed Harry Potter 1,2, and 3 since I saw the movies before reading the book, except book 3. Prisoner of Azkaban was wonderfully directed with beautiful music. How music makes the movie!

Anyway, I think that's what I meant when I said, "The magic is gone." when I came out of the theaters. I was spoiled or bombarded with special effects that the focus of the inner struggle Harry had seemed to play 2nd place to a fast paced "entertaining" movie. But these are my opinions at midnight...and I'm still a huge fan of Harry Potter. I have 2 Harry Potter posters taped to the wall on my left and I also have a Harry Potter Lego building toy which was a wonderful and thoughtful gift. I'm looking forward to reading the final book and watching them all on the silver screen.

Narnia was a great movie. Tears galore!

Sunday, December 11

Princess Bride Feelings

INIGO (softly) That Vizzini, he can fuss. (a slight emphasis on the last word)
FEZZIK (looking at Inigo) ... fuss ... fuss ... (Suddenly, he's got it again, emphasis on the last word.) I think he likes to scream at us.
INIGO Probably he means no harm.
FEZZIK He's really very short on charm.
INIGO (proudly) Oh, you've a great gift for rhyme.
FEZZIK Yes, some of the time. (he starts to smile)
VIZZINI (whirling on them) Enough of that.
As they sail off, we hear their voices as the boat recedes.
INIGO Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
FEZZIK If there are, we'll all be dead.
VIZZINI No more rhymes now, I mean it.
FEZZIK Anybody want a peanut?

Some days, I feel like Fezzik and some days, I feel like Vizzini, but most days, I feel like the Impressive Clergyman.

Script borrowed from http://www.godamongdirectors.com/scripts/princess.shtml

Monday, December 5

My List...Revised!

By request, here is my Christmas list...

1)CD--Fall on Me: Women in Worship Live (the cover on this cd is a bit scary and strange considering it's a Christian CD, but it's Vineyard...what more do I need to say? =) But I like Kim McMechan's rendition of "Surrender" and "Could I" on this particular CD)

2)DVD--Little Women

3)Pajamas Size M (prefer warm materials like fleece or flannel...not the thin cotton ones, otherwise, what's the point?)


5)Coffee Maker (it's old)

6)Rice Cooker (our rice is turning dry on top and soggy in the middle/bottom

7)Rice Container (our current one is a hand-me-down that was once infested with roaches, spiders, and ants)

The last 3 items are really more for the home than for me...although I want them more than Jae does...and hopefully none of them are expensive, but I could live without them for another year.

Thursday, December 1

Snow Day

Today was a great day to play outside. I've never seen her so happy to play outside. She was excited because it was snowing, but you can't tell in the pictures. And despite all the talk of wanting to make a snowman, Ellie was busy "dusting" off her slide and getting the snow off her mittens. She said, "jhee jhee snow!" But there wasn't enough snow to make anything. But we did have fun trying to eat the snowflakes as they fell.