This is my repulsed look of watching the Steelers pummel my Broncos during the playoffs. All I had was my dog and box of Cheez-It. I hope the Seahawks humiliate the Steeler franchise in the Superbowl. And yes, you'll find me on the couch once again with my dog, my box of Cheez-It, and my #7 Elway Jersey on behalf of the Bronco spirit.
My husband likes to order "things" online. So there are days like yesterday when I'll hear a knock on the door and automatically assume it's a delivery guy...dropping off some box containing some sort of computer-related thing-a-ma-jig and not answer the door. FedEx knows when we've changed the look of our foyer. It's that frequently sparatic drop-offs, kind of like my husband's shopping habit.Chloe heard the knock yesterday and started barking and Ellie jumps up. She says, "daddy's home!" I told her "A box is here! Let's go open the door." When I opened the door, I saw FedEx pull away from the curb as the driver gave me the "what's up" nod out the window.We've all become conditioned. Every time Chloe started barking today, Ellie jumped up and said, "the box is here!"
After a long, one sided discussion of what's going on in Lost, Jae started to drift off. I could tell when his head hit the table and pretended to sleep. "I have no idea who or what you're talking about." Then I said, "We just saw that episode last week!" Sigh. I will have to save those discussions for hyungboo.Anyways, we decided to play Gin Rummy. It started out as an innocent game...something to occupy the little free time we had when Ellie slept. Of course, I was kicking butt and Jae says, "Lets play to 500 pts." But when the score was in his favor in the 300's he says, "Lets play to 400 pts." We wound up playing to 500, but he kicked my butt towards the end. It was my head that was resting on the table at the end, "I feel so defeated." Jae must have felt really sorry for me because it almost seemed like he made up a game on the spot so I could win it. The sad part, is that I lost that one too. I can't even win a made-up card game. I'm pathetic and my husband is way too competitive.So Ellie has not touched her potty since the day we started potty training. I'll excuse this deliquency due to the fact that she says, "Mom? I love you.", or "Mom? You're punny (funny)." out of the blue. She melts my heart and is saying a lot of interesting things, other than flattering me.
I need a nap. These nail polish fumes are bothering me. I'm falling a sle..eee.p....
So as I posted on my xanga, ellie and i have decided to begin potty training...again. It's round 2. She was so excited to wear big kid underwear, but soiled 3 of them before the hour was over. She did amuse me for half an hour on the potty and fell asleep and managed to pee a little bit. I was so happy. Who knew pee would make me happy?I'm wondering if this kid will ever become potty trained. Ellie has a hard time letting go of objects or ideas once she's connected with it. I doubt she will want to change the comforts and constants in her life such as going potty without her diaper. She likes to feel secure and takes time for her to adjust to new places and people.I threw out all the tricks up my sleeve yesterday to help her potty train. I'm out of sleeves. So as I'm waiting for her to take initiative to make in the potty, a lot of questions come to me. Should she be in diapers or pull-ups or underwear? I think ellie feels so-so about diapers...she didn't want to wear them unless she had to. She likes the pull-ups because they look more like underwear but doesn't get her wet like underwear, which is the dilemma. She likes underwear even more, but gets upset when she's wet. I don't want her to experience a lot of failures before she's ready to experience some success, but again, the pull-ups don't help her feel when she's wet so she can't tell the discomfort of walking around in wet panties.Is it true? Is it true that toddlers will just use the potty when they are ready? Will they do it without any prompting? I've heard of stories when it's happened..."just one day he went to the bathroom and used his potty." then i hear, "she needed a lot of encouragement." and then my neighbor's kid (Gavin), his grandmother said she put toys that he was only allowed to play with when he sat on the potty and after a while, he would just go.I wish I could remember how I was potty trained.Does anyone have any advice? All suggestions are welcomed.
So as I was abruptly awakened by some little 2 year old, I hear a door shut. It was 7:45am; Jae must have left for work. Then Ellie dragged me out of the room and asked to see daddy. I told her daddy had gone to work already, but she insisted I go check the bedroom. We looked at the empty bed together and once again I told Ellie that daddy went to work, then I heard a sudden "thump" and a shower running. Ah...Jae was in the shower. The sound of the door shutting was the linen closet after Jae got his towel. He actually closed a door! Amazing!Anyways, I went about my normal morning routine...walking aimlessly around the house as my family demanded things from me; Ellie-"want nilk (milk) please, want nilk."---Chloe announcing she had finished fertilizing our lawn and now ready to come inside by howling as if she had a nail in her paw.---Jae in a mad dash down the steps in nothing but a towel towards the laundry room to grab...underwear, I hope! And he managed to squeeze in"Where's my coffee?" and ran back upstairs. Yeah, you better run! All this before I even had a chance to pee, and still disoriented, walking aimlessly around the house.Not 5 minutes later Jae came downstairs to fix his hair with some gel. Ellie looked on. When he was done, Ellie said, "Oh! Pretty Daddy!" That made me laugh...because it's true.So I think I managed alright this morning. Who cares if Chloe's wearing a diaper, Ellie's drinking coffee on the couch and Jae's in the backyard with a cup of nilk?
Our daughter's been moonlighting as a customer service rep. I wish I had her as my customer service rep. a couple of days ago when I called Citibank to request a new PIN number. Ellie would have been far more helpful than that guy. He kept telling me, "You have to go to the branch ma'am." Even though it said on my activation paperwork that I could call to request a new one. Did I sound like an identity theif? Boy, did I tell him what was on my mind! "Would you like me to find the nearest Citibank branch for you ma'am?" Then I thought, "Would you like me to find the nearest hole where you can shove off?" Guess where I'm going today...
The one day I decide to tear myself away from horrible computer games and run errands, it snows cats and dogs. I guess God wants me to play more computer games. Tee hee hee. Yeah, right! Chicago is so strange...50 degree weather one day, snow storm the next. I love the madness.

Ellie has 4 uncles...two of them are quite normal and serene...two of them are not. Can you guess where these guys belong?
I failed at keeping my new year's resolution to sleep before midnight...already! Those darn nephews and their computer games! I'm so hooked on the games, I don't know why. Sid Meiers Civilization III Complete...I hate and love this game.So my new new year's resolution...kiss my husband at least once a day. Ha ha ha...isn't that sad? How ironic that I state how sad the resolution is by laughing at it.