Thursday, March 9

Another Ice Cream Incident

Jae is infamous for his famous ice cream phrase, "It's strawberry, it's chocolate, it's's metropolitan ice cream."

Although Jae did not say anything interesting like that, he did something I think only .2% of the male population has done.

I woke up this morning craving for ice cream when I walked into the kitchen and found the lid of the ice cream container. "Oh great!" Just when I want ice cream, my husband eats it. The lid was dried up with ice cream and very sticky, but I could not find the ice cream container. Later in the day, Chloe had grabbed another one of Ellie's shoes, so I grabbed her shoes and walked over to the foyer to place them back in the shoe rack when lo and behold!...there was an empty, dried-up, sticky ice cream container sitting on top of the shoe rack! It was almost as if I were the detective and Jae was the not-so-clever thief who left his trails behind.

As I've said time and time again, all I could do was shake my head. Another one of Jae's follies.

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