Thursday, June 22

30 + 1

It's my birthday today. Woo hoo! I came into this world some time around 5 in the morning and weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 pounds.

You know korean parents never keep track of those things. Back in the days, they were more concerned the baby had 10 fingers and 10 toes, looked somewhat cute, ate well, and made it to their 100th day.

I get to buy new bedsheets without grief from Jae as my birthday gift. I also got 2 fluffy pillows, which comes in really handy about now...I was just thinking last night how nice it would be to have more pillows. As an added bonus, Jae was kind enough to stay up in the wee hours of the night to put my new computer together, which I am using right now.

Later my sister will come by and make cupcakes for me (it's really for Ellie), but who cares! I love cupcakes!

Tuesday, June 20

Number 1

Ellie went number 2 in her potty yesterday. Today, she went number 1, but not number 2. There were struggles, but she was able to pee in her potty a couple of times along with a couple of accidents. Towards the end of the day, it almost seemed like she was "leaking" or just didn't notice that she was wet my shirt, my pants, her blanket, and her underwear.

I think she's yet to learn what it is to "pee". All she knows is that her legs get wet for some reason and she doesn't like it and she doesn't yet know when she's about to pee. I know she able to hold it in and that she can go for at least a couple of hours without peeing, so I will just have to be more observant of her and find ways to support and encourage her the best I can.

Jae and I are so excited to see Ellie grow up, slowly, but surly. We are learning a lot through this process as well....
1. we expect too much
2. we are impatient
3. we get discouraged easily

So throughout all this potty training business, we need to constantly remind ourselves...
1.expect setbacks/accidents patient...we are working on Ellie's timetable, not our own
4. celebrate all of Ellie's achievements

Monday, June 19

I did it!

She did it! She finally did it! Ellie pooped in her potty!

Score 1 for Mom!

Friday, June 9

Flower Girl

Ellie will be a flower girl in September for my cousin's wedding...her first gig. Isn't she darling?

Monday, June 5


I so miss my computer. I'm thankful to even have one to blog and complain on, but I do miss the little things like not having to retype my sign in names and passwords, listening to my music, adjusting the screen color and contrast to my own preferences, automatically being signed on to MSMessanger and so on. I'm too lazy to reset "things". If I'm going to get a new case soon, why bother?

Ellie and I spent an hour outside...she was playing in her water table and I sat on a chair soaking up the sun...once in awhile I'd toss a ball to Chloe. It is strange...I put on sunscreen today and actually got tan only in the places I'd applied sunscreen. Ellie tanned as her usual self, but her hands were extremely dark. I thought that strange considering they were immersed in water the whole time. Can one get tan underwater?

Friday, June 2

Time of Death...22:45

This is when I realized my computer had died. It's been sick for awhile and what Jae and I thought was going to be a simple procedure turned into a frustruating battle on the operating table. Jae's been working on it since yesterday...possibly the longest surgery I've seen in a long time. With sweaty brows, he came up to me and said, "I don't think there's anything more I can do." The motherboard blew out on the operating table. It is now undergoing a thourough autopsy and I'm thinking about donating its organs. I am sad.

In other news, Ellie's helmet arrived, but one thing lead to another and before Jae and I knew what hit us, Ellie melted down and refused to wear her helmet or even put on her seatbelt in her trailer. Her words were, "I don't like biking anymore." What happened? It all started with the chin straps. I guess she didn't like the feeling. Then she went one step further and refused to buckle in her trailer. As with everything else, Ellie does things at her own pace...very slowly...she was born 2 weeks late, her first tooth didn't come in til she was 9 months old, she just started to sit on her potty again after 8 months of prepping...and the list goes on.

Anyways, Ellie was last seen putting her new helmet on Mommy's head, then banging it as she sang Old MacDonald..."Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o. With a bang, bang here and a bang, bang there. Here a bang, there a bang, everywhere a bang, bang."