Monday, January 1

New Year Resolution

Happy New Year everyone!

It's been quite busy since Kate's arrival so I haven't had much time to spend on the computer other than to finish watching Alias series. I'm on Season 4. I hope to be done watching them by February so I can focus on Lost. I think I'll make it.

My New Year's Resolution is to learn something new every day (no matter how mundane or irrelevant it may seem) and then post it here. I wonder how long it will last.

Day 1
I was told that intelligent/smart people tend to be thinner than the rest of the bunch because they rarely like to spend their energy upon eating...they are too busy studying/exploring/wondering. Food is an afterthought. They eat to survive. I wonder if this is true. Most brainiacs are pretty that I think about it.


debbie said...

here's a thought for you: one needs fat so that the neurons in your brain work well. without some fat, the synapses won't travel well. and, don't you think survival involves thought and intelligence? - says the girl who's been eating nonstop for the past week. so, eat up, my smart friend, eat up!

Caffeinator said...

happy new year to the Lim family...

maybe you can start up a series of things you learn...kind of like the "deep thoughts by jack handey" series from snl...