Friday, February 23

100 Days and counting

Kate has made it past her 100 days. To think there was a second in time when I actually thought she wouldn't make it to this milestone. I think this little girl is going to throw some curve balls my way when she's older. I'm scared!

She's been doing some interesting things I've been meaning to post, but I just seem to forget them at the end of the day. I've been so focused on trying to heal my ankle quickly, posting seems like the last thing on my mind...except today.

So I think Kate has finally "found" Chloe. The first time Kate noticed the dog, I swear she smiled from ear to ear and her eyes lit up. She stared at Chloe for quite a long time. Somehow Kate knows Chloe is a family member...Kate tends to smile more often for family members than anyone else.

Kate is also holding her head up...just out of the I said earlier, she can throw some curve balls. She can sit somewhat with a lot of support, but after about 5 minutes, she hunches over like a rollie-pollie and screams! And as if her screams and wails weren't enough, Kate's learned to complain. She's also supposed to be able to babble with some consonants, but all we hear is "ah ah".

As for my ankle, I'm still wearing the boot, but I can walk around without crutches for a reasonable amount of time, but I get self-conscious. Honestly, I look like a dork. Using crutches actually makes me look less dorky until I lose my balance and do some hoppity hops.

A fair amount of flexiblity has come back, but the bruising and swelling is spreading north south east and west. The bruising spread from the right all the way to the left side of the ankle and along the bottom of my feet towards my toes. It's also migrated above the ankle towards the outer shin and hurts like a be-otch when I stand up in the morning...a nasty burning and pulling sensation. Motrin just isn't cutting it anymore. One more week...

Caught a glance of some new games coming out on Wii that I'm actually tempted to get.
  • Cooking Mama Cook-Off--sounds like an Iron Chef type of game. Quite fascinating.
  • Wii version of The Sims--looks really cute.

Sometimes, I feel like the only Mom who enjoys playing games. Can I get an "Amen!" anyone? Someone, throw me a bone.

1 comment:

Caffeinator said...

is the bone for chloe? he he...don't worry, i love gaming too, though i'm not a mom per se, so that doesn't really answer your question. ah, never mind.

the 100 day celebration was fun - good food, good times...we'll repeat this for matthew and jacob next month.