Tuesday, September 9


We've got an infestation of springtails. They're these tiny bugs that jump when startled. Apparantly it doesn't do any harm, considered just a pest...they're annoying and gross to look at. Naturally, Ellie learned a new word today..."exterminator". One is coming over tomorrow to spray the house. I can't wait. We'll have to replace the windows soon too...it seems the moldy, rotting trim may be attracting the ugly suckers. Sigh...more money out the window. So much for the new laptop. I'm sad.

I joined facebook yesterday...trying to figure out what the craze is all about. I'm stunned...completely stunned that some people have over 300 friends. It's def. a place to network socially, which I'm not very good at, nor do I crave, but quite an experience.

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