Tuesday, May 26

Smells are enemies this week. Can't stand the smell of anything and all I want to eat is citrus and watermelon.

Next appt. is this Friday. Anxious to tell my doctor how the prenatals melted upon themselves.

There'a about a little over a week of school left for Ellie and then it's our trip to Disneyland. I'm feeling a bit aprehensive about it just because I'm me.

Things to do this week, color my hair, update my driver's license. It's expiring just like 33 years.

Tuesday, May 12

Morning sickness with #3

I haven't said too much about this pregnancy thus far. I feel a bit removed and exhausted and sleepy and hungry and nauseated all the time. With Ellie's pregnancy, I threw up a few times, usually before bedtime and the feeling to throw up lingered well into the second trimester. With Kate's pregnancy, the morning sickness came and went like clockwork and with a vengance. I've never felt so bad, but it went away like a storm, much like kate's temper. With this pregnancy, the morning sickness kind of snuck up on me. I'm hoping that it will go away in a couple of weeks. My next doctor's appt. is at the end of this month.

Saturday, May 2

Why is Kate always on the left? Or is it right?...depending on your perspective.

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Friday, May 1

I miss the sunshine.

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