Wednesday, April 27

Stupid Women

Are women really that stupid? I caught 5 minutes of Oprah (i'm never watching her again after this) today. Her guest was a guy who wrote a book advising women when to dump their boyfriend/fiancee. All the women on the show had whiny-co-dependent voices. Here are a couple of questions asked...
"i've been dating this guy for 6 months and he hasn't told anyone for no apparent reason. When I ask him why he's never told anyone, he says the topic never comes up. Is it okay for me to stay in this kind of relationship?"
"there's this guy who's been coming back to me and breaking up with me for 3 years now. What should I do? Does he really like me or is he using me? Should I let him keep doing this to me?"

I couldn't believe there were such stupid stupid women out there with stupid stupid questions. His advice to them..."break up with him". Why do women need men to tell them what to do? So stupid. It's like asking, "my boyfriend treats me like crap. should we still keep dating?"
My question to him would be "how can I raise my daughter so she will not sit on the Oprah show one day and help you make profit out of asking stupid questions?"


EJ said...

I want to shake the woman, slap her across her face, and tell her to grow a spine!!! I too can't stand woman who ask questions that they obviously know the answer.

As for Ellie, I'd say teach her to be her own person (from what I've seen she has down) and to speak her mind (she has this one too - altough I'm waiting to understand what she's saying). So you're fine, she won't show up on Oprah...maybe she'll be the one making the millions by slapping them around. I'd watch that.

QueenWanydala said...

yeah...that was my teen years!...not my twenty and thirty years. "my boyfriend didn't say he loves me...does he love me?" stupid!