Thursday, May 26

Vador's Reaction

I can't believe Carrie Underwear was voted American Idol. It was so wierd, like watching Miss America. When Ryan said, "the new american idol is Carrie Underwood.", I did not say or shout anything, but my heart said, "NOOOOO! BOOOOO!" If you could remember Vador's reaction to Padme's his fists flung back to his side, his back arching, his head to the sky (what horrible acting! I laughed at this scene.), that's how I felt.
My logic...Carrie was clever the previous night by crying at the end of her last song to receive sympathy votes. She just yelled the entire song. She knew she did poorly. Paula, who always has nice things to say, just commented about the way she looked and performed. And how in the world is Bo supposed to pull of that rediculous song? A bit "girly" I might add. At least Clive Davis wanted to work with Bo. He never said anything about wanting to work with Carrie Underwear!


debbie said...

horny toads?!?!?!?

debbie said...

yes, those are my volleyball boys. cute, aren't they? a small handful of them find me at the mall and like to entertain. they're a riot.

jon said...

The down falls of democracy, even the talentless get their fifteen minutes of fame. At least William Hung had a certain charm to his lack of talent.