Monday, May 16

Word of the Day

Jae's silly grammar antics are rubbing off on me! Curse you Jae! (fist in the air).

Over the weekend, we were sitting at the table for breakfast and I was entertaining Ellie with a song with a coffee cup in my hand. I was so engaged (more than Ellie) in the silly song, I spilled some coffee on the table. Jae starts laughing at me. I wanted to tell Ellie was that she shouldn't hold a cup and sing at the same time. So I turn to Ellie and say fashionably, "See Ellie? This is why you shouldn't hold a cup and drink at the same time." Jae laughs at me more. Curse you Jae! (fist in air).

And forget about playing Scrabble with's always painful...but this time, playing with Debbie, Sun, and Jae, it was I who made a fool of myself. Towards the end of the game, all I had were vowels that didn't go anywhere and the letter "y"....just put it at the end of another I did. I brilliantly came up with the word, "moony". Curse you Jae! (fist air). Sun and Debbie can always count on us for a good laugh.

By Sunday night, neither of us were making any sense and decided to not speak to each other until the next morning. Curse you Jae! (fist). But Jae says the funniest things...I will have to write them down and post it. So the word of the day is "moony".


debbie said...

"moony is short for moony." ha ha... you're awesome. let's play scrabble again!

QueenWanydala said...

I think moony should be a word. "It's a starry night and so moony too!"

EJ said...

I'm always making up words or using the wrong ones, ask anyone. I've come to just live with it. I'd die in scrabble.