Wednesday, July 20

Day 11

I used to love the rain. Now I hate it!

So the scene was all set for Ellie to take a nice nap...hopefully a long one. Today, she hasn't even gotten the chance to fall asleep because of a rain storm that decided to let out one loud thunder. It woke her up. Darn it!

I guess we will have to try for another day.


EJ said...

Poor thing. Any advise from other parents?

Greg said...

We give Mia 1/8 of a pill of Melatonin. That might make us bad parents, but she sleeps well in the afternoon. If we don't give it to her, she sleeps for an hour, despite her medication, which supposedly makes her sleepy. Ask your pediatrician if it's okay for her.

Caffeinator said...

understandable...but hey, we haven't had any rain for how long now? getting a little sick of looking at brown straw everywhere - gotta take any rain we can get...

but yeah - if it isn't airplaines, it's thunder...argh!

slacker said...

Beam me up, Scotty!

Caffeinator said...

ay ay, captain!

jon said...

Did I hear Ellie coughing? I'm sure I did. Better get the Nyquil. Maybe a double dose!

That's what I always say when my kids are wound up and won't go to sleep.

slacker said...

I love Nyquil...