Monday, August 22

One Too Many at Ravinia Festival

On the left is my husband, Jae, when the night was still young. The picture above are two "smokin" and Sun towards the end of the evening. Oh yeah, if you look to the right, you can see Jae behind me, passed out from one too many drinks...(nothing unusual)...


jon said...

Passed Out? I feel your pain, Jae, Oh yes I know the pain.

slacker said...

Actually, I kind of look drunk on the left picture. Unfocused and ready to fall in any directory. What's with that goofy smirk and that arm position???

Caffeinator said...

fall in any directory? don't you mean in any direction? oh man, another jae-ism...

QueenWanydala said...

sometimes it's hard to tell if he's drunk or not.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even notice Jae passed out in the background! That's awesome.

It was a rough night...


- Anonymous = Sun