Thursday, October 13

Forbidden Word

Here's a great shot of Newt (my sister's cat) and his butt. Ellie likes to try and pick him up.

I thought I'd get a break yesterday, but no. She did not want to be put to sleep by daddy, surprisingly. Since when did I become her transitional object?

"No sleep! No sleep! No sleep! Downstairs!" I don't know how she managed to get these words out of her mouth as she wailed and screamed and hiccupped with tears last night. It was sad to hear...I couldn't bear it much longer so I went upstairs to see if I could help.

I picked her up and told her she didn't have to sleep, but she had to stay upstairs. I coaxed her into reading Rainbow Fish with me. She cooperated and even went further to ask to be read on the bed! Oh...thank the Lord!

I started reading and she instantly fell into sleep position on my lap. By the third time around the book, she was lying down and falling asleep. It was 10pm. Now I know not to say "sleep".

Why I decided to wait til 1 in the morning to go to sleep is beyond me. I was butt-tired by 10:30, but there was no way I was going to sleep. Ha ha! I guess Ellie gets it from me...sigh...
I slept in my bed until I heard a cry. The clock read 4:30. From then on, it is all blurry. I think she went back to sleep. I know she tossed and turned a lot...made me sit up and rock her til she got sleepy, then when I put her down, she rolled here and there.

Finally fell asleep around 5:30. Woke up at 7:30.


Anonymous said...

fantastic picture.

jon said...

That is one fluffy cat tail.

Sorry to hear about your sleeping ... Thats a really fluffy cat tail.

Maybe you should talk to your pediatr...... do you think you could measure the width of that cat's tail, I want to compare to cat's around here. I don't think that's normal fluffiness for a cat's tail.

Anonymous said...

ellie and cadence must be in cahoots...our little one woke up at 2:30am and proceeded to play...she did have a fever of almost 104, which got me and daddy in a fit of worry, but she wasn't acting sick...ted had to play with her since i had to be up for work in the a migraine today from lack of sleep...and now it's 11pm and she's still refusing to go to sleep!

*sigh*...i feel your pain!