Monday, October 24

When the Bellie is Sick...

Nothing good can come out of a sick child. If Ellie suffers, we all suffer.
She came down with a fever today. I said, "enough." and went to my sister's place to retreat to her nice, warm home.
Ellie did not want to eat or play...she just laid on the couch or on my tummy and enjoyed watching Hello Kitty dvd. And get this, she wanted to be covered with a blanket! This is a girl who would spent an hour in the freezing cold last winter, just to walk around the block! This is not my child. So, when she asked to be covered, I knew this was a serious fever and reached for her medicine in hopes her fever would come down so she'd be in better spirits so she'd be willing to eat, but no. I thought I'd be sneaky by mixing the medicine with some hot chocolate to tempt her, but no. She was in too bad of a mood. It's an awful cycle.
So in the midst of trying to get her to eat, my sister asks if I've eaten anything today...I don't remember eating. Then she feels my head. "You feel hot and your cheeks are red." Great! Ellie and I can be sick together.


Caffeinator said...

I had the stomach flu over the weekend...I feel ellie's pain - at least the wanting to stay warm and not wanting to eat aspects anyway...

QueenWanydala said...

I know we're not supposed to speak of any bodily functions, but did you happen to have gas as well? Ellie's farting a lot. Maybe she ate something strange from Einstein Bagels.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any [unusual]gas, but I started coming down w/ cold symptoms last night - fever, runny nose, etc. Boo! I think we should blame Ben for now.

I like Einsteins :)

- Un

Anonymous said...

hope you guys are feeling better...cadence and i have been sharing a cold now for a couple weeks and it's no holiday, that's for sure...luckily, cadence isn't as smart as ellie, and she falls for the 'liquid tylenol snuck into baby food' bit every time...