Thursday, November 10

"Indoor voices please"

I was watching a segment on the Today Show about a few restaurants in the city who now refuse to serve families unless they can keep their child under control, meaning they must "behave" and use indoor voices and good table manners. It is said the application of this policy will start to spread to larger restaurants. The owner of this restaurant said that this is a good way to teach kids how to respect other people's wants for a peaceful meal.
Ummm...does this rule apply to adults as well? Cuz I've been in some restaurants where adults have literally blown smoke into my daughter's face as she was admiring how cute Ellie was. I've also encountered people whose smell has spread across the entire restaurant. I've also encountered loud and obnoxious people who seemed to laugh for no apparant reason. I've also encountered people who don't know how to wash their hands after going to the toilet.
We've got bigger problems in this world than "loud" babies or children running around a restaurant. Surely, I wouldn't even consider taking Ellie to a quiet, 5 star restaurant type place for a long period of time, but if I remember correctly, this "restaurant" resembled more closely to an outdoor cafe than anything 5-star.
I remember going to restaurants when I was younger and just being plain annoyed by kids who would scream and kick at the table. I thought, "why don't they get their kids under control?" But that was before I had Ellie. I understand now that children are a species of their own and after having seen the segment, I want to go that particular establishment with Ellie just to annoy the owner and his customers. Ha ha ha.
If it's one thing I can't stand is people who have no compassion for others.


EJ said...

You have some GREAT points. I'd agree that there are ruder "adults" out there than children. Wouldn't that be wild if someone asked an adult to "behave" or to leave? I'd love to have that job...hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Kids aren't meant to 'use indoor voices'... they laugh and cry and scream. That's normal. What a dumb restaurant. Let's not ever go there after HBC on Sundays :D


Caffeinator said...

Don't look up what people have had to say about this on everyone is dead set against loud kids, preferring instead to banish them to mickey d's and leaving these "indoor voices" restaurants to quiet dining...

jon said...

I'm with you on this all the way. It was just last weekend, I was performing my "vegetable monster" routine (walk around table growling with carrots up my nose and lit cigarettes in my ears) at the local steak house, and you'd have thought I was a screaming baby myself. Talk about a bunch of snobs.

Anonymous said...

we're on the save wave length, wany! funny, i just blogged about this yesterday and now i'm reading your post...

there's an interesting discussion on the chicago website gaper's block that relates to this...i couldn't believe some of the outrageous supporting banning children from ALL public they'll be wanting to banish the elderly for being too slow on the streets, the disabled for taking up too much room with their wheelchairs, the povertystricken for being poorly dressed, etc etc etc...

Anonymous said...

madammaidy, i think the restaurant is Taste of Heaven in Andersonville. at least according to this NYT article. choosing to admonish customers to control their children is one thing. the owner actually insults these parents (actually, he specifically insults the MOMS, the bastard) as "former cheerleaders and beauty queens" who "have a very strong sense of entitlement." grrrrrr. i'm no former cheerleader and i was never a beauty queen, but THIS mom will definitely choose to spend her money elsewhere, like at sweet occasions, where they've always welcomed cadence.