Monday, May 22

A Decision for Mom

This is Ellie enjoying a mid-day snack outside with her ZooPals plate. She loves ZooPals and sings the jingle every time she uses it. It's too funny. She also insisted on wearing her sunglasses cuz it was too sunny for her. I think she just wants to look cool.

The red rain jacket she's wearing is actually mine. I know I have a picture of me wearing it somewhere in my junk box. I'll come back and post it next to Ellie. I can't believe she's wearing my baby clothes already. This is why I keep all of Ellie's clothes in case she wants to hand them off to her daughter. If she decides she doesn't want them, that's her choice, but I at least want to give her the opportunity to make that decision. My mom recently denied me of making an important decision, which I'm still dealing with, so I don't want to deny Ellie no matter how silly the issue may seem to me or others.

Mothers make decisions about their children everyday...some easy, some tough ones. There was no question, no doubt in my mind to take Ellie to the ER to get her fingers looked at yesterday. She was in so much pain, she couldn't even pick up a skittle. To me, that warranted enough reason to be worried. The nurse thought I had been crying as well...strange...I asked Jae for a second opinion and he agreed. I checked in the mirror and my face was beet red! I'm such a mess.

In spite of my weakness, Ellie was such a trooper at the hospital. She was so cooperative with the staff and did a great job holding still for her x-rays. The peds. unit at Barrington is pretty nice...everyone is super nice, which made things........nice.

Dad put a couple of band-aids on her finger for the night and the motrin started to kick in. I took Ellie to bed and she fell asleep instantly. She woke up in the morning and told us she felt much better so I took off her band-aids. Her fingers are starting to turn colors now...I guess there will be some bruising. But I'm so proud of Ellie. She handled the whole day much better than her mess of a mom. Jae was certain Ellie was fine (and he was right) but as I told him, "the trip to the ER was really for me." They humor me so much.


slacker said...

So far I am a big fan of St. Alexius on Barrington after two visits. I haven't come across one crabby person that I usually find at health service facilities. I am hoping that this streak will continue.

Anonymous said...

Ellie is so cute..They just think they are all that when they get sunglasses on! Natalie at that age wore gymnastic suits most of the time with "clack-clack" shoes and sunglasses. What a sight she was!

tyggergirl said...

i was 20-something when i first went into the er. i feel unloved!!

btw, loved your highlights. meant to tell you at the wedding but didn't get around to it.