Thursday, June 22

30 + 1

It's my birthday today. Woo hoo! I came into this world some time around 5 in the morning and weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 pounds.

You know korean parents never keep track of those things. Back in the days, they were more concerned the baby had 10 fingers and 10 toes, looked somewhat cute, ate well, and made it to their 100th day.

I get to buy new bedsheets without grief from Jae as my birthday gift. I also got 2 fluffy pillows, which comes in really handy about now...I was just thinking last night how nice it would be to have more pillows. As an added bonus, Jae was kind enough to stay up in the wee hours of the night to put my new computer together, which I am using right now.

Later my sister will come by and make cupcakes for me (it's really for Ellie), but who cares! I love cupcakes!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Wany!!

Love you! :) -Un

Caffeinator said...

happy b-day!

debbie said...

mmm! cupcakes! Happy Birthday, Wany! i'll hug you anyday - clean or smelly. ;)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, wany! tell ellie to have a cupcake for me and cadence. oh, and you have one too!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!


Anonymous said...

happy bday!
