Tuesday, November 28

Another Jae-ism #24

I made a remark to Jae about how babies and kids seem to be drawn to him. They love looking at him or playing with him. I said that kids really seem to flock to him.

Then Jae says, "I have a distinct aroma."

I remarked, "You mean aura?"

"Oh, is that how you say it?"

This beats Metropolitan ice cream.


debbie said...

aroma - haha!!
yes, all parties were a part of the festivities. ;)

slacker said...

I meant aroma (like smell) and I'm sticking to it. =)

Caffeinator said...

duksim can attest to the fact that i have a distinct aroma at times as well - though each time she encounters it, it's usually not a good thing...

Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha!! That's wonderful. I have a distinct squeal...