Today was one of those days when you think the day can't get any worse, it does. Yesterday was also another day I wish not to relive...Kate thought it would be fun to play hide and seek without telling me she was playing hide and seek. For 5 minutes, I thought I'd lost her. I don't know how those parents cope with missing children.
On a less critical note, I am once more computerless. Apparantly, one of the "caps" blew out according to Mr. Fix It AKA Jae Lim. I have no idea what to make of that statement other than the fact that it short-wired. This is becoming much too familiar to me. One more evidence to add to my theory that electronics hate me. Even blogging this post started out shaky. The silver lining is that I see a new laptop upon the horizon. Glorious!
Ellie News: She's got a dental appt. Thursday, her first. This should be fun.