Saturday, November 28

Dec. 1

Induction date has been set for December 1st at 6:30 a.m. I can not wait. I used to be against inducing labor, rather wanted for it all to happen naturally, but with the way things are, induction is so much more convenient and no one is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, not to mention that I'm incredibily uncomfortable. I wonder how big she will be.

Not much to Jae's disappointment, Isabella is off the table. We are now looking at 2 possible names. We are not revealing it til she's born. Tee hee hee. Don't worry sis. It isn't Gertrude.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I'm very thankful the baby didn't arrive during dinner and that I got to sample 5 different types of "pies"! Now that's how you eat dessert. Peach pie was thee best.

The day went by so fast and to me, everything felt mentally stressful...perhaps the hormones are magnifying what shouldn't be magnified. Warning to those who've heard their mother-in-laws say "don't think of me as a mother-in-law", think of them as a mother-in-law. These are complicated women.

Bathroom is still not finished. This is what I feared would happen. Jae is no longer afraid of me and I must do something about it.


bummster said...

hah, thats my birthday too. around the same time too.

Caffeinator said...

i'm pretty sure jae is still harboring some fear of you, it's just manifesting itself in different, probably more subtle ways - such is what happens after being married for any length of time :P