Tuesday, November 29

Ellie on Holiday

The holiday season is upon us. I get to play with snow globes and watch Charlie Brown all I want! Then it's time for serious reading up on who's got the "goodies". A girl just has to keep up with her shopping.

The holidays are also the time to spend with my Boo and Grandma. I usually run away and scream whenever I see these folks, so they are very glad when I let them hold me or give them hugs during our holiday gatherings. After all, it is the season of giving.

My most favorite part of the holiday season is just having fun. I love to hang shiny ornaments on the Christmas tree, but after the work is done, it's time to dress up, get down, and boogy! Lunges are my trademark dance moves. Oh yeah!

I just love the holidays!

Monday, November 28

Poppy Seeds

There is a benefit to changing your baby's diapers. You know which foods do and don't digest.

  • Poppy seeds...Ellie gave me the lovely pleasure of finding that out this morning.
  • Popcorn kernels...it can be irritating when coming out.
  • Food coloring and spices...it may not come out the exact color, but pretty close.

Saturday, November 19


This is Ellie at a pizza and cake social...her reaction to the news that the price of diapers have gone up by 15% and will continue to increase next year. "I guess it's time to start thinking seriously about this potty training business. Not only will it save mommy and daddy money, but I'll also be eligible to enroll in pre-school."

"I feel a bit better knowing my parents will be able to afford diapers for a little bit longer. Whew!"

Thursday, November 17

Ellie's Day

"Wing awound the wosies...poffy bull a bosies. Ashes! Ashes! We all pall DOWN! Yeah!"

Ellie sang this most of the day and made me sing and dance this with her. "Okay, stand up mommy. Again."

On another note, Ellie slipped and fell on her pajamas. I asked her "what happened?" She answers, "It's okay, mommy. I pell down."

Monday, November 14

Doll House

I think it's time to get Ellie a doll house. She's using wooden chess pieces as dolls...a family of four...2 white pieces and 2 black pieces. They are for some reason hanging out in the sink of her kitchen set. I guess they are midgets?!

Well, no one can claim that she lacks imagination!

I also wiped out on the kitchen floor! Check my xanga to read how Ellie responded.

Thursday, November 10

"Indoor voices please"

I was watching a segment on the Today Show about a few restaurants in the city who now refuse to serve families unless they can keep their child under control, meaning they must "behave" and use indoor voices and good table manners. It is said the application of this policy will start to spread to larger restaurants. The owner of this restaurant said that this is a good way to teach kids how to respect other people's wants for a peaceful meal.
Ummm...does this rule apply to adults as well? Cuz I've been in some restaurants where adults have literally blown smoke into my daughter's face as she was admiring how cute Ellie was. I've also encountered people whose smell has spread across the entire restaurant. I've also encountered loud and obnoxious people who seemed to laugh for no apparant reason. I've also encountered people who don't know how to wash their hands after going to the toilet.
We've got bigger problems in this world than "loud" babies or children running around a restaurant. Surely, I wouldn't even consider taking Ellie to a quiet, 5 star restaurant type place for a long period of time, but if I remember correctly, this "restaurant" resembled more closely to an outdoor cafe than anything 5-star.
I remember going to restaurants when I was younger and just being plain annoyed by kids who would scream and kick at the table. I thought, "why don't they get their kids under control?" But that was before I had Ellie. I understand now that children are a species of their own and after having seen the segment, I want to go that particular establishment with Ellie just to annoy the owner and his customers. Ha ha ha.
If it's one thing I can't stand is people who have no compassion for others.

Wednesday, November 9

"Boobs!" and "I think it's Roy Orbinson"

This post is going to sound exactly as it seems, so take this as fair warning to those who get awkward around the subject of friendly boobs and Roy Orbinson.

I was holding Ellie last night and all of a sudden I feel pressure on my "chest". Ellie was poking my boobs as if it were the Pilsbury Dough Boy. I started to laugh and she looked up at me and said, "mom boobs." For an instant, we (Jae and I) thought she was saying "my boobs". She kept saying, "mommy boobs! boobs! boobs!" then she pointed to her own chest and said, "Ellie boobs." We laughed and told her she won't be getting a pair of those for a long long long time, I hope!

She continued to poke and squeeze as if she were picking out fresh produce as she continued to say "boobs! mommy boobs? boobs!", only it sounded like a chant by this time. Ellie was not breastfed so I guess she finds this all amusing, but hey, she had her chance as an infant. I hope she doesn't do this in public. How embarrasing would that be!

But Ellie wasn't the only family member that made me laugh last night. My dear husband and I watched a movie trailer about Johnny Cash, but at the time we had no idea who it was. I ask, "Who is that supposed to be?" Then Jae says, "Elvis? No, wait, it's Roy Orbinson." Oh my gosh...I never laughed so hard in my life. I thought he was joking at first, but he was so sincere that made laugh well into 15-20 minutes after he made the comment. I hope he doesn't do this in public. How embarrasing that would be!

Tuesday, November 8


I was organizing all of Ellie's millions of clothes the other day and she decided to wear this red hat and dance around her room. It's interesting that I see her everyday, yet when I see her in photos, she looks so different, so grown up.
Ellie likes crawling on my back and tickling my neck with her chin while I work on puzzles. She gets a kick out of it. Notice how Chloe managed to squeeze herself into another photo? So opportunisitc!
Another "red" photo. Could you imagine her in a red sports car?

Sunday, November 6

A Buck

Jae and I managed to escape our house without Ellie over the weekend (grandma graciously baby-sat) to get some errands done, one of which was to buy diapers and wipes, so before we left the house, Jae was frantically searching for coupons. Diapers and wipes are expensive. To our dismay, most of our coupons had expired so we grudgingly went to the store without any. We searched for the cheaper name brand diaper, but BRU coincidentally does not carry that brand! Interesting. Anyways, we grabbed our usual items, headed to the check out line and the lady in front of us generously gave us her coupon for the wipes. It was only a $1 coupon, but a buck is a buck, and I was very thankful.

Thursday, November 3

Funshine Bear

This is Ellie in her Funshine Bear costume last year, but she didn't wear it for Halloween last year either. This costume was given to Ellie last year for Christmas as a gag gift. I had to post these pictures since Ellie didn't sport the costume this time around. She's too smart.