Monday, November 14

Doll House

I think it's time to get Ellie a doll house. She's using wooden chess pieces as dolls...a family of four...2 white pieces and 2 black pieces. They are for some reason hanging out in the sink of her kitchen set. I guess they are midgets?!

Well, no one can claim that she lacks imagination!

I also wiped out on the kitchen floor! Check my xanga to read how Ellie responded.


Alex Maidy said...


....Ricky Martin?....

.......RICKY MARTIN!?!?!?!?.....


jon said...

Buy her all the dolls you want, spend thousands! She'll still use the chess pieces and rocks and spools of thread. In fact, there are no objects left in our house that didn't have a name at one time, except for the dolls we bought.

Caffeinator said...

ah, just get her a bunch of empty boxes for her to play seems kids get a lot more out of them than they do with the toys themselves...

debbie said...

wany, check this out. i thought you might find some amusement in this.
maybe, you can get jae to try some.

Anonymous said...

speaking of empty boxes, i just heard somewhere that the cardboard box was inducted into the national toy hall of joke:

i know for a fact that cadence loves an empty cardboard box!

ted gets tons of those free from trader joe's!

debbie said...

if jae does try those jones drinks, i will have a new found (yet slightly grossed-out) respect for him. and then, i will not talk to him for about 20-30 min. after in fear of him burping. gross.

Anonymous said...

S.O.S! S.O.S! wany! cadence is so plugged up, i'm afraid she'll never poop again! what should i do??

p.s. what does S.O.S. stand for?