Monday, April 18

Dear Tabby

It's so funny! The cats write to "Dear Tabby" ( instead of Abby) regarding problems they are encounting with their owners. I'd have to say that unless you love cats or are a cat owner, you will not appreciate this book.

Too Fat to Groom
Dear Tabby,
This is the most embarrassing letter I've ever had to write. I've got, well, a grooming problem. I've gained a bit of weight in the past few years, and now I find I can't reach my lower back (you know, that wide area just above the tail where I love to be scratched) and also under the tail. I've always kept myself nice and neat, but now I'm getting little mats in my fur back there. Plus, I can't always clean up the way I'd like to after a trip to the litter box. I tell you, sometimes I feel so unkempt I just want to scream! I don't feel good about myself anymore. Help!
Your trusting reader,
Bob Kats

1 comment:

tyggergirl said...

sadly, this is lily. i want to give her a bath so her bottom isn't dirty anymore... but i don't want to at the same time! eewww!!!