Saturday, January 27

She did it!

She finally did it! Ellie is using the potty! Yeah!

In other news, Sesame Street as taught me that when counting from one through twenty, children often skip/forget the number fifteen. I wonder why.

Friday, January 26

Ellie's Superbowl Shuffle

This is Ellie shuffling to "Satisfaction" by Mick Jagger. The voice cheering Ellie on in the background is Yeon, a friend of ours.

I really do hope the Bears win the Superbowl. Not only will you see Ellie shuffle to Prince, but I may join her as well. Go Bears!!!

Thursday, January 25


Ok, I've learned that even though I want long hair, I cannot have long hair, nor do I look good with it, nor do I know how to style it, nor do I want to spend ten extra minutes conditioning it. Too bad it only took me ten years to realize this. Every year it's the same...I try to grow out my hair, then once it passes my shoulders, I start to pull it back so then I snip it. But having short hair meant "you're getting old/you're two seconds away from a perm/you're an ah-joo-mah". Time to face reality...I look better with short hair.

Friday, January 19

Some Healthy News

So I've learned that the number one cause of deaths among Koreans is cerebrovascular disease. Jae and I assume that means stroke...we're too lazy to find out if that's what it really is. Something about vascular says "veins" and cerebro says "brain" to me. It pays to watch E.R. Anyways, I always thought it was cancer. But it makes sense Koreans would suffer from strokes.

Kate went in for her 2 month appt. and boy, was it no fun! She was hungry and tired and to top it off, she was lucky to recieve 4 wonderfully stinging shots in her legs. Poor baby. Despite the crying, it was a good visit. Kate grew 1 and 1/2 inches in the past month and falls in the 50th % at 22 inches. Having gained 1 pound and 6 ounces, Kate's weight also falls in the 50th %. She weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces. Head circumferance-wise, Kate follows her sister's lead at 16 inches which puts her in the 90th %. My daughters are lollipops. Big brains! Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, January 17

Victor's cousin

Yeah! I'm lactose free!

Getting some Alias biceps.


I believe this giraff is a close relative of my cousin Jack's giraff, Victor. Although this one has lost his ears in the great 2003 battle of Chloe vs. Ellie.

Tuesday, January 16


I'm sure I look like Ellie in this picture whenever I learn a bit more about our finances these days. Jae asked if I wanted to file our taxes this year. HA! I fear the IRS will be visiting us soon. I'm not sure I'm ready to take that diving into the pool before a shower.

Monday, January 15

Take 5

After trying numerous types of formula, we've finally seemed to find the one Kate agrees with. Either that, or she's setttled into a rythmn. Kate's been so gassy for the past 6 weeks she's had trouble staying asleep and because she hasn't gotten good sleep, she's been cranky.

Anyways, it seems Kate is lactose intolerant...just like her dad. She Enfamil lacto-free seems to agree with her tummy, but Kate doesn't seem to like the taste. Oh well. Maybe she will be a good eater through all this. I've also finally found a sleeping routine she seems to agree with. Jae and I were able to get at least 3 hours of continuous sleep.

Even though Kate is our second child, Jae and I have forgotten most everything about how to feed a baby and put them down for bed. Especially since each child is different, I really don't think it matters how many children one has, it's always a new experience and a learning process. Maybe Jae and I were too prideful in that manner, thinking we could handle it. How God breaks our pride and reminds us how much we need His wisdom.

Anyways, go Bears!

Thursday, January 11

Working 9-12

No, I haven't started a new job, but Kate does make Jae and I work in the evenings. It seems her "grizzly" hours are from 9pm-midnight. I'm being sarcastic when I say Kate chose the perfect time to get grizzly...right after Ellie's in bed. They're already scheming.

Signed up to Netflix. I got my first batch of movies yesterday. Thank heaven we have a month to view them...I'm still working on Alias, though I guess Alias can wait since they are mine, but I only have 2 more episodes to go and I've already seen the last one, but I have yet to see the bonus features. Maybe another time.

Ellie kept saying "The water is glass. Your coffee's not glass." I had to think about this one. She meant that water is is not.

I wasn't sure what to make out of President Bush's "Plan of Action" last night. Partly due to Ellie who kept asking if I wanted to watch Elmo. "I want to listen to the president, Ellie." Then she looked at me like I was nuts...all with good reason, I guess. Elmo would definitely have been more informative.

Wednesday, January 10

Binge and Purge

I want to buy clothes! Somebody stop me!

Tuesday, January 9

Kate the Great

Some pics of Kate sitting up and smiling. I can't believe she's going to be 2 months old in about a week.

Out of the Dark

It's been awhile since I posted anything. Does this mean I haven't learned anything? No. I've learned I will not be able to post everyday, but I will desperately try.

It's time for me to get out of the dark where our family finances are concerned. I will slowly, but surely be introduced/trained by my husband about our accounts, stocks, savings, and the dreaded tax issues. I don't want to panic if in any case something should happen to Jae. I am financially illiterate and ignorant. Is that being redundant?

And I've been wondering, are women better at saving than men? It seems women always have a secret stash in case something should happen. Maybe we are more paranoid.

Friday, January 5

Pack Leader

I love watching Dog Whisperer. This guy is phenominal with dogs. His tactics are so easy and so obvious it's genius. With a dog like Chloe, Jae and I have much incentive to watch this show so we could pick up some of his tricks and also know that there are worse dogs than Chloe out there.

Tugging the leash is one of the tactics The Dog Whisperer uses to divert a dog's attention. We've tried doing this before, especially when guests arrive at our door. Chloe needs to learn manners when greeting people at the door. She believes she is the pack leader in the household. Bad! So I realized today that I've been tugging her leash the wrong way. First of all, the collar is supposed to be high up in her neck because it is the most sensitive area. We've been tugging her collar around the middle of her neck which I learned has no effect on a dog. I also learned that I need to pull the leash either to the front or to the side and that the tugging needs to be a quick, reflex-type of movement. I've been tugging Chloe to the back and it's been more of a pulling than a tugging. The Dog Whisperer says that in pulling the dog in this manner actually excites them more. This is why Chloe seems to get more agitated. I also need to remain calm and assertive.

When the weather gets nicer, I'll have to take Chloe out on walks with the kids. I'm invisioning a nice stroll around the neighborhood block. I'm hoping this will also help get Chloe into the house without bribery.

Thursday, January 4

Juan Valdez

I learned much about coffee. It's been on my mind since that's all that I've been consuming since Kate's arrival.

Legend has it that the first coffee bean was discovered by a goat herder who everyday called to his goats with his "flute" at the end of the day. One evening, the goats did not return to his call so he searched them out. He found his herd of goats eating something from a bush. The farmer tried some and noted a sense of uplifting energy soon afterwards. I assume he took them to market. This story reminded me of that old coffee commercial with Juan Valdez. I never realized he was a fictional character. Why did I ever think he was a real person? Ha ha ha.

Wednesday, January 3


Ellie's true feelings of Kate reared its ugly head today. "Throw her away!"

I was giving Kate a bath and as usual, Ellie joined in, but not in the sense of helpfulness. She was walking along the edge of the bathtub as if it were a balance beam and she was the gymnast about to give her 10.0 (or now adays 6.0) dismount. All went well until the end of the bath. I asked Ellie to step aside so I could reach Kate and wrap her up in her towel. Then something clicked. Kate started to cry because she was cold so I started to talk to her in a comforting way. This somehow made Ellie upset and she demanded I stop talking to Kate. At this point, both girls were feeding the others' hysteria. I was hoping Jae would come out to help, but he was in a meeting.

I headed downstairs to feed Kate before even getting a chance to dress her in hopes of calming down one of my girls, then Ellie wanted me to give her a piggy back ride downstairs. I told her I couldn't because I was holding Kate and she needed to be fed. "Kate's crying cuz she's hungry and cold. Let's feed her first and you can help me get her dressed." More crying. "Ellie, I can't put Kate down and let her cry." Then Ellie said those words. "Throw her away Mom!"

I couldn't believe my ears. By this time, both girls were screaming at the top of their lungs. I went downstairs to feed Kate as Ellie walked down the stairs with me, holding my hand. Things seemed to settle down until Kate finished eating. Ellie burst into tears again which startled Kate and made her cry again. Both kids screaming...tears streaming from both faces. This went on for 20 minutes. All I could do was smile at the situation. I knew if I didn't, I'd lose it.

At the end of the fiasco, Jae found me rocking on the glider half asleep with Ellie on my right and Kate on my left. He relieved me from Kate and we had short talk with Ellie.

What's the lesson in this? Never give Kate a bath while Jae's in a meeting.

Lesson #2

I learned how to read macaroni in Korean. Jae brought some snacks back from the Korean grocery store. There are these corn snacks shaped like rings. Ellie likes to wear them on her fingers and likes me to "break it" in half before she eats it. It's not even that crunchy. Such a princess. Did we create this monster or is it an inherited trait?...and if so, from whom? Is it who or whom? Maybe that's a lesson for tomorrow. Anyways, I was hoping to learn something new about tornados from a special broadcast on National Geographic Channel (I love it) tonight, but missed the show. Oh well. I still aspire to one day chase a tornado.

Monday, January 1

New Year Resolution

Happy New Year everyone!

It's been quite busy since Kate's arrival so I haven't had much time to spend on the computer other than to finish watching Alias series. I'm on Season 4. I hope to be done watching them by February so I can focus on Lost. I think I'll make it.

My New Year's Resolution is to learn something new every day (no matter how mundane or irrelevant it may seem) and then post it here. I wonder how long it will last.

Day 1
I was told that intelligent/smart people tend to be thinner than the rest of the bunch because they rarely like to spend their energy upon eating...they are too busy studying/exploring/wondering. Food is an afterthought. They eat to survive. I wonder if this is true. Most brainiacs are pretty that I think about it.