Wednesday, April 29

Kate looks like she's been sucka puched. Ouch! That girl is a trooper though, all smiles. I'm sure Jae will have more to say about the ER trip, it will be one he will never forget. =)

Saturday, April 25


It's official. Jae and I are expecting baby #3 and we couldn't be more excited. Ellie is extremely excited about the baby and keeps asking when he will arrive. She wants a baby brother because she already has a sister. Of course, it's all about her. =)

I plan on delivering this baby at a different hospital. I was a bit disappointed with the hospital where I delivered Kate. This one's not too far and the doctor's office is only a 20 minute drive. I truly desired to deliver where Ellie was delivered, but it's much much too far away and the doctor's office there is always so busy.

The due date is December 7th...about 33 more weeks to go.

The morning sickness has settled in now and comes very strongly in the evenings, so it's more like evening sickness. I check out mentally at 7pm. I feel wiped out and can't stand the smell of anything greasy...or Chloe. I'm craving sour juices too.