Wednesday, August 27


2 days down, a hundred and some odd days to go and I still can't believe she's a Kindergartner. She's doing so well in school compared to the uneven experience she had last year.

It's interesting...every morning we walk out the door, the first thing we see are the Morning Glory blossoms. Ellie and I planted those seeds at the end of last school year and I thought how poetic it was that they bloomed like wildfire on the morning of Ellie's first day of school.

Thursday, August 21

AG Outing

Ellie went on an outing to American Girl with her friend Anna. We started off the day watching a live musical about Bitty Bear and Her Family Tree. It was very cute and the girls were in awe throughout the performance. They were lucky enough to get the actor's autographs (pawprints) and pose for a picture with them.

Afterwards, we went to WaterTower for some pizza and chocolate milk and headed back to the store for shopping. Ellie made out well (as usual) at the store. She received matching pajama sets for her doll and for herself from Anna as a birthday gift and I purchased a ballerina outfit for the doll.

Unfortunately, the play date had to end sooner than later for us as Ellie started to run a fever. We left early and came home to find that Kate had a fever as well. Now the three of us are on bedrest and taking lots of tylenol. Perfect timing...Ellie starts school Tuesday.

Friday, August 15

Happy Birthday Ellie!

A year older, a year stronger, a year taller, a year brighter.
A year more delightful, a year more ferocious, a year more endearing, a year more beautiful.