Tuesday, April 25

Preschool Anyone?

So it's almost time to send this kid off to school. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. Just in the past couple of months, Ellie's verbal, social, and cognitive skills has increased noticeably. She's making comparative statements, speaks about past and future events in her life, drawing purposeful shapes and objects (although they still seem like scribble), and she can even finish a 20 piece puzzle on her own.

This kid is ready, no doubt. Let's just hope she's potty trained by then! Or I'll have to start my own preschool here at Roxbury. How funny that would be!

Tuesday, April 18

Easter Pics.

Okay, so Easter was 2 days ago...so what! We are a family of procrastinators. Anywho, we made our annual bruncheon at Prairie Rock where the infamous Easter Bunny lurks. Thankfully, Ellie wasn't freaked out by him like last year, but she decided one encounter with the bunny was enough for the day. Most of the children gawked as the bunny walked by. Despite the smiles on our faces, we think the bunny is scary...we had no choice but to smile for fear he would steal our souls with those vacant eyes.

I'm not sure what happened here, but Ellie does find the Shin brothers amusing at times.

What a lady!

Wednesday, April 12

Guilt, tricycle, and oatmeal

What we did today...I was misinformed by someone that it would rain today so I had already set my mind last night not to spend any time outside. Having a 2 year old, it is crucial that we go out in the sun every chance we get, especially after the long winter months, but since I had already set my mind not to go out, we didn't. I am a sad parent. While my dog spent hours in the yard chasing Frank and a few new birds, Ellie and I lounged around the tv set munching potato chips. But hey, I did open the windows and let the sun shine throughout the house, so it was sort of like we were outside, only we were sitting comfortably and being entertained.

How I feel...Honestly, I feel horrible about it all, so I have set my mind to take a shower and enjoy a beautiful day at the toy store tomorrow. But I don't kid myself to think there won't be a tantrum with a toddler at the toystore so I hope grandma will not be busy so she can accompany me...all of this so I can buy her first tricycle! I wonder if Ellie will like it. If not, I'll just buy another bag of sand for her sandtable.

Something new I learned about Ellie...it takes her 25 minutes to finish a 12 inch breadstick. No wonder she's so skinny! She is burning the calories she's eating as she's eating! I gotta learn that trick.

Other recent news about Ellie...she has had diarheea for the past 2 days. Yesterday consisted of a spontaneous bath and laundering of the couch, my shirt, and her shorts. I think it may be oatmeal.

Sunday, April 9


It's one thing to feel nauseated when you don't have an appetite. It's quite another to feel nauseated when you are hungry.

It's like having the stomach flu for 3 months!

There is no end. I feel sick.

Someone remind me why women go through this?

Monday, April 3

No Sale

Well, as it turns out, my mom came over today so I showed her the pile and pile of clothes I left to give away. I told her she could pick out the clothes she liked and the rest I could sell at a garage sale. My mom decided that she liked all of them! Sorry guys, but no sale today. I was hoping to make more than $2 profit on clothes at the garage sale. My mom's a clothes monster. If she wasn't family, I'd charge her $100 for loss of profit, darn it!

Despite what my snotty husband said about used clothes, I'm not too proud to buy clothes from a garage sale or thrift store. Twas my favorite past time. And who'd turn down free clothes? They are in excellent condition! Saying, "I'm too spoiled." is like saying, "I know it's bad, but I don't care." Is it that strange to take clothes from people you know? What's the deal? Am I just turning into my grandmother? "Don't let the cheese go to waste!"

Sunday, April 2

Buy clothes.

So spring fever has kicked in a bit in our household. We started to do some spring cleaning by tossing out some of our clothes. For Jae, his reasons are simply because his clothes are outdated. He hasn't shopped in years! For me, the reason is much sadder...they just don't fit me anymore. I've kept them in my closet for couple of years hoping someday I will fit into them again, but becoming pregnant again, I doubt I will be able to wear size 4 jeans for at least a couple of years and I think I would want to buy some new clothes. So I'm debating on selling them if we have a garage sale, giving to charity, handing them over to my mom, or offering them to anyone willing for free! So if you are interested, I just want to let you know that they are all in very good condition, mostly size S...some XS...few M and most pants are size 6P...few 4's and 2's. They range from dressy to casual. Let me know and we can arrange something. I'm almost tempted to sell them on ebay, but i despise ebay.