Tuesday, May 31

Little Mommy's Little Surprise

This is the Little Mommy Potty Training Doll. She only pees when she's placed on her potty! How ingenious! She comes with wipes, a diaper, a bottle, 2 sippy cups, underwear, powder, and a potty. I can't wait to show Ellie Bellie!

I found it!

I found the word "moony"! My journey is complete.

Monday, May 30

If you want to feel stupid...

I am so hooked on Scrabble, you wouldn't believe! I found a Scrabble Blast game online and played it for 3 hours straight! I only did this because Jae refuses to play Scrabble with me, "You take too long! I can't hold my head up and stare at letters FOREVER!" He is now upstairs playing Scrabble Blast. But it will all be for the better. I didn't realize how much I don't use the thing in my head to get more learnin'. I almost forgive it from Jae...he is 1.2 generation person. But it is shameful when it takes me 20 minutes to come up with a 5-letter word and only gain 12 points! I have yet to find "moony". It's all grand. Scrabble is a great game to play if you want to feel stupid...

Thursday, May 26

Vador's Reaction

I can't believe Carrie Underwear was voted American Idol. It was so wierd, like watching Miss America. When Ryan said, "the new american idol is Carrie Underwood.", I did not say or shout anything, but my heart said, "NOOOOO! BOOOOO!" If you could remember Vador's reaction to Padme's death...how his fists flung back to his side, his back arching, his head to the sky (what horrible acting! I laughed at this scene.), that's how I felt.
My logic...Carrie was clever the previous night by crying at the end of her last song to receive sympathy votes. She just yelled the entire song. She knew she did poorly. Paula, who always has nice things to say, just commented about the way she looked and performed. And how in the world is Bo supposed to pull of that rediculous song? A bit "girly" I might add. At least Clive Davis wanted to work with Bo. He never said anything about wanting to work with Carrie Underwear!

Tuesday, May 24

Pet Owner's Pledge

I found this certificate Jae and I received from Chloe's vet when we first took her for a check-up. We thought it was amusing so our family signed it...even Ellie! It is posted on the wall where we keep Chloe items such as treats, toys, and leashes. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19


Our nextdoor neighbor babysits her grandsons a few days a week...a 3 year old and a 1 year old. They are both incredibly adorable! Gavin, the 3 year old loves loves loves to talk! Yesterday, we all said our hellos and went about our business. Our neighbor went inside to make dinner and I was outside pulling weeds. Ellie was by the fence listening to Gavin talk. This kid did not stop for a breath of air! He just kept going and going. What was more amusing was that Ellie seemed to understand what he was saying...so cute. Ten minutes have gone by and Gavin is still chattering away. Ellie decided she'd had enough of him...men just want to talk about themselves and never listens! She turns and walks away from him and puts her finger to her nose and says, "Shhhh...Shhhh..." Then I heard Gavin say, "Wait! Come back! Come back! I'm not done talking! Wait!"

Wednesday, May 18

From Ellie

I don't think Mommy is feeling well today. She's been making strange noises with her nose. It's quite disguisting, yet fun to mimic. Mommy wore a long-sleeve shirt, pajama pants, and daddy's pull-over while dressing me in a 2-day-old t-shirt and shorts! Mommy also turned up the heat, which I'm thankful for since I'm wearing summer clothes. She also made some yummy drink that's hot. It tasted like apples, so I drank half of it. Mommy also slept through Blue's Clues. She usually helps me find the clues and dances with me. It was kind of sad dancing by myself so I told Mommy, "Kup! Kup! Mummy! Kup! Kup!". She knows it means to wake up, but she would not wake up. I tried tugging her shoulder, but she just moaned. I had to resort to hair pulling. That sure got her up! Hoorah! Mommy made me a yummy lunch to make up for her behavior and then put me to sleep. "Tat-doo Mummy!"

And it has made all the difference...

I'm very very very very very very protective about Ellie's naps.
  1. She is a crank monster without one!
  2. It took a lot of heartache for her to learn to sleep on her own!
  3. Once she's awake, she does not go back to sleep!
  4. She is a light sleeper!
  5. She wakes up at the buttcrack of dawn!
  6. She is a crank monster without one!

So I turn off the phone and play her usual "sleepy" scenes from Snow White exactly 15 minutes before she needs to go down. And heaven forbid Chloe makes any noise or if the neighbor is cutting his grass! While she's watching, I run upstairs to her room to make sure the temperature is just warm enough but a little cold so she will snug under the blanket. I pull the blinds, cover the curtains, and head back downstairs. By this time, Chloe (our dog) has already gone upstairs and plopped her stinky self on my bed for her own nap. Ellie has watched half of the "sleepy" scenes. I sit in the usual chair with her usual blanket or Arthur doll (she changes dolls every month...cheater!). Then, like a magnet, she asks to be picked up by the end of the scene. I give her the blanket/doll and we head upstairs. We say goodnight to the seven dwarves, to Chloe, and the lights. I play a little music on her cd player, rock her a bit, put her in the crib, cover her, and say, "I love you." And then I leave and close the door. She falls asleep happily.

Yesterday, we did the same thing, except when I put her down, she got back up and wailed! She was happy the entire day, until now. I kissed her head and left the room. More crying. Ten minutes later, there was silence. Ten minutes later, there was crying again. Ten minutes later, there is silence. Forty minutes later, there is more crying. I suspected something was wrong and went to her room. I pick her up and a smirky smile forms on her face!

Today, we did the same thing except she went to sleep peacefully with her blanket, Arthur, and a big foamy letter "T". Our neighbor is cutting his grass and Chloe has barked several times within an hour. Not a peep from Ellie. She sleeps soundly.

What was the difference? Only God knows and He will never tell! Ha ha ha!

Monday, May 16

Word of the Day

Jae's silly grammar antics are rubbing off on me! Curse you Jae! (fist in the air).

Over the weekend, we were sitting at the table for breakfast and I was entertaining Ellie with a song with a coffee cup in my hand. I was so engaged (more than Ellie) in the silly song, I spilled some coffee on the table. Jae starts laughing at me. I wanted to tell Ellie was that she shouldn't hold a cup and sing at the same time. So I turn to Ellie and say fashionably, "See Ellie? This is why you shouldn't hold a cup and drink at the same time." Jae laughs at me more. Curse you Jae! (fist in air).

And forget about playing Scrabble with him...it's always painful...but this time, playing with Debbie, Sun, and Jae, it was I who made a fool of myself. Towards the end of the game, all I had were vowels that didn't go anywhere and the letter "y"....just put it at the end of another word...so I did. I brilliantly came up with the word, "moony". Curse you Jae! (fist air). Sun and Debbie can always count on us for a good laugh.

By Sunday night, neither of us were making any sense and decided to not speak to each other until the next morning. Curse you Jae! (fist). But Jae says the funniest things...I will have to write them down and post it. So the word of the day is "moony".

Bite Me!

This weekend was kind of a downer...but not because of people or anything like that. I think I just go through an "emotional" phase every once in awhile...and to those men who are immediately thinking pms, I say, "Bite Me!".
I saw Phantom of the Opera this weekend...can I tell you how awesome it was? I haven't cried so hard from a movie since Forrest Gump. I do cry very hard when I'm watching Adoption Stories though. But watching that was a perfect outlet for me to just let out my tears. Somehow I feel refreshed after a good cry...you gals know what I mean?
I also feel horrible about Debbie's dress. I may not have placed a bad zipper on the dress, but I fed her too well, coaxed her into trying on the dress, pulled up the zipper too hard, then fled the scene of the crime like a mouse. I promised to starve with her until she could fit into it.
I'm also getting my blood checked this Thursday to make sure my hcg levels are low...I must drink lots of water...I have small veins. I must also pray for peace.

Tuesday, May 10


Here are a few recent foods I found to taste good together...

  • Cantelope with Nutella spread...yum!
  • Triscuts sprinkled with corn niblets...yummy!
  • Apple slice after sip of beer...pleasing!
  • Triscuts sprinkled with celery slices...yummy!
  • Jewel brand toffee sugar cookie dipped in Hawaiin Breakfast Blend coffee...heaven!
  • Triscuts sprinkled with "turkey" pepperoni slices...yummy!
  • And I love Combos! I can't find them anymore!...boo..hoo...growling of stomach

Ellie and I had Triscuts for dinner.

Thursday, May 5

Ellie, my fitness trainer

I was crossing my arms for some reason...Jae must have done something, and I felt biceps! I'm so happy. They are not huge or anything, but I guess all the months of holding Ellie has paid off. I think she has plans to work out my calf muscles.

Wednesday, May 4

The Whole Poopy Truth!

Ellie has pooped in her diaper, which she does once a day now (Praise the Lord! Halleluha!). She's no longer changed lying down either...she's made that clear to me and Jae. So I make sure Ellie is as close to me as possible when I change her poopy diaper...almost like I'm hugging her. I took off her diaper as usual, except ALL the poop decides to fall out from her diaper and onto the newly washed fuzzy blanket we use as a rug. I scream, "Ahhh!!!". Ellie smiled at me. I picked up the poop with her wipes but they kept rolling off to the floor like pepples! "What did you eat yesterday?" Some landed on my pants and I let out another yelp. Again, Ellie smiled at me. At that point, I tried holding onto Ellie as tight as I could so she would not step in the tiny pebble poop, keep in mind she has not been wiped yet and I feared she would just plop her poopy butt on my lap! Somehow, I managed to wipe her clean. In the process, she stepped on some pebbles here and there, but no smearing cuz her poops are much firmer (Praise the Lord! Halleluha!). Then Chloe came along cuz she can smell my distress and sniffed the blanket. Why are Chloe's and Ellie's feet magnetically attracted to poop? Even when we're in the backyard, Ellie manages to find every Chloe poop.

The blanket and my pants are now in the wash...the diaper is wrapped with another diaper and thrown out...the floor and Ellie's feet are wiped...Chloe has had her entertainment for the day...and I'm pooped!...pun intended! There's no sign of help for Jae is working late today.

Tuesday, May 3


Ellie's now talking on the phone. She's not even 2 years old yet and she loves talking on the phone. Jae and I will catch her in random places with random objects (pretending it's a phone) and have her own conversation. Among her imaginary friends, she's already had a lengthy conversation with Jae, his mom, Jina, and Phyllis in the past week. She refuses to speak with my mom for some reason...ha ha ha.

"Hewwoh?" (Hello)
"E Me!" (It's me!) She expects the other person doesn't know who they are speaking with.
The rest is her own made up language I'm still learning to decode. She will also do a fake laugh like the other person told her the world's best joke. Then she ends it like this...
"I wuv u.." (I love you)
"Bye!" (I hope you can figure this out for yourself)
And don't even think about saying anymore after she says "bye" cuz next she will press a lot of buttons, then hang up on you.

But Ellie will answer simple questions for you. My sister asked what she was having for dinner and Ellie replied, "guk." (milk). They had a really long conversation about something...I guess it's their secret.

Monday, May 2

Random Thoughts

Well, my sister's wedding was on Friday. Jae and I were saying that was the least stressful wedding we've ever been a part of. It was so wonderful. I can't wait to see how her wedding pictures turn out! Although a wedding isn't a wedding unless there's some drama...the reverend was stuck in traffic (arrived half hour late without any word). I was sure EJ's dad was going to swoop down and perform the ceremony! Ha ha. And I cried from start to finish...I was blamed to get everyone else started...the perfect plan...(twiddling of thumbs).he he he...

I was also able to see what my new computer may look like last night. I am astonished...I'm going to get illuminating keyboards! Woo Hoo! Who uses the computer in the dark?...not me, but I wanted it just cuz it looked cute and now I may be on the computer with lights off....ha ha ha...

Ellie's starting to sing the Sleeping Beauty Song again!...thanks to her dad. It was cute at first, now it's driving me nuts! All morning its..."I know you..wa wa, wa wa...I know you..wa wa, wa wa...I know you..wa wa, wa wa..."

And I promised Jae that if Constantine was voted out of American Idol last week , I would never watch American Idol again. Well, I'm really rooting for BoBice so maybe I'll stop watching if he ever gets voted out.