Monday, May 16

Bite Me!

This weekend was kind of a downer...but not because of people or anything like that. I think I just go through an "emotional" phase every once in awhile...and to those men who are immediately thinking pms, I say, "Bite Me!".
I saw Phantom of the Opera this weekend...can I tell you how awesome it was? I haven't cried so hard from a movie since Forrest Gump. I do cry very hard when I'm watching Adoption Stories though. But watching that was a perfect outlet for me to just let out my tears. Somehow I feel refreshed after a good gals know what I mean?
I also feel horrible about Debbie's dress. I may not have placed a bad zipper on the dress, but I fed her too well, coaxed her into trying on the dress, pulled up the zipper too hard, then fled the scene of the crime like a mouse. I promised to starve with her until she could fit into it.
I'm also getting my blood checked this Thursday to make sure my hcg levels are low...I must drink lots of water...I have small veins. I must also pray for peace.

1 comment:

debbie said...

please don't feel bad, wany. you fed me well, yes (and i love you for that.) but, it's my own gluttonous desires that made me not properly fit into the dress. and, it's the mass-producing dress company that provided the faulty zipper. but, you have to admit that that little episode made for a very memorable and funny moment. ha ha...