Wednesday, May 18

From Ellie

I don't think Mommy is feeling well today. She's been making strange noises with her nose. It's quite disguisting, yet fun to mimic. Mommy wore a long-sleeve shirt, pajama pants, and daddy's pull-over while dressing me in a 2-day-old t-shirt and shorts! Mommy also turned up the heat, which I'm thankful for since I'm wearing summer clothes. She also made some yummy drink that's hot. It tasted like apples, so I drank half of it. Mommy also slept through Blue's Clues. She usually helps me find the clues and dances with me. It was kind of sad dancing by myself so I told Mommy, "Kup! Kup! Mummy! Kup! Kup!". She knows it means to wake up, but she would not wake up. I tried tugging her shoulder, but she just moaned. I had to resort to hair pulling. That sure got her up! Hoorah! Mommy made me a yummy lunch to make up for her behavior and then put me to sleep. "Tat-doo Mummy!"

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