Friday, September 23

Good Enough

So, what do you say to someone who's dying?

I was shuffling through some papers to find an appropriate stationary to express my sorrow and came across my "portfolio". I started to get an itch to go teach again...especially after recent news. He used to tell me that teaching is the next best profession after motherhood. Then I read the critiques in the portfolio...and the paranoia of managing and organizing and teaching twenty mini-adults settled in...not to mention the endless paperwork.

But my feelings do get hurt when people ask, "When are you going to go back to work?" As if what I'm doing is not work. And then I hear, "oh, you know what I mean" Well, I really don't know what that means.

Anyway, I guess I can tell him thanks for acknowledging that what I do with Ellie at home is good enough.


Caffeinator said...

moms are underappreciated - I'm sure you do more than your share at home...

as for what to say...dunno if there is much to say, but simply being there for them can be more than enough - letting them know that they are not alone and that they can lean on others in their time of need...

slacker said...

I think you are very fortunate to have (had) two good and more importantly nice doctors. The latter attribute is much more difficult to find.

I think what you wrote in the blog is what you should tell him.

EJ said...

What you do as a mother far out weighs anything in the corporate world. You're raising someone to be able to live in this crazy society.

People have messed up priorities!

You're a wonderful mother!!!!