Friday, October 7


Ellie got up at 4:30 in the morning. She wanted some milk. So I dragged myself downstairs with her...bumping into walls, tripping over rugs, and knocking some toys on the floor in the process. I poured the milk and brought it upstairs. Ellie took 2 little sips and then was done. Then she asked to watch Snow White. I said, "No Snow White. It's still sleeping time." Ellie gave me a look followed by a whine and went back to sleep.

Nap time was horrific. It took an hour and a half to get her to sleep...most of the time she protested and cried. To put it on the bright side, yesterday's nap protest was two hours long. She's also napping longer than 45 minutes.

But I find the situation to be getting worse than better. I have no clue what I'm doing anymore...have no clue why Ellie's refusing to sleep all of a sudden...have no clue what to do.

Wish there was a weekly support group for Sleep Deprived Parents Due to Their Children.


Anonymous said...

Who the heck is your anonymous poster?! You're getting SPAM comments... unbelievable. You should talk to Cindy. I think Noah's driving her crazy. He hates sleeping... it's like he doesn't want to miss the action. See you soon.

tyggergirl said...

i think you can deter the spam comments with the word verification feature in blogger.

about the anti-napping child, i'm clueless. i'm sure you've got newsletters and books galore but these sounded interesting:

Good luck! Sleep deprivation is a terrible thing. =(

tyggergirl said...

haha! i just read your previous post about the word verification thing. maybe i'll take it off mine...