Friday, February 10


I've settled down a bit regarding the superbowl. Why I have a hard time letting go, I will never know. Anyways, I've been cleaning the house lately, I mean really cleaning it and keeping it clean. And that's another issue right there, but I realized our home is not as crazy as it appeared to me. The whole task of moving about the entire house seemed daunting to me. My body reacted in a similar way. I can imagine my brain saying, "i feel alive and useful again!" but it also must have sensed some panic at first because a lymph node near my jaw line ever so gently made its appearance on my neck. "It's a tumor!", I cried. My sister reassured me that I was out of my box and said glands near the neck can get swollen when they are trying to fight off bacteria or virus.
My brain---"Why is she cleaning? She's way past PMS/Nesting Urge Operation. Is she alright? She must be sick. Better call in Captain Lymph Node to secure the area. "Captain, we have reason to believe this woman is sick or she's out of her box. Either way, update us immediately on the situation."
My lymph node---"Yes General. Right away. I shall try a scare tactic by popping out of her neck like a marble. If she ignores that strategy, I shall try to distract her by giving her an ear ache. If she continues to clean the house, we shall deprive her of food and water by making her throat sore whenever she swallows."
My brain---"Excellent." (Mr. Burns)

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