Monday, May 15

Save Energy

Ellie's making great use of her stepstool these days. She's realized just how much she's grown and is figuring out how to take advantage of it. She's discovered that she can reach the light switch if she stands on her step stool. So far, she's turned on the light in the dining room, kitchen, and living room. I remember my dad becoming annoyed with me and my sister for leaving the lights on in our room or if we left the tv on when we weren't there. I can still hear his voice..."Sabe enerjhee!" (save energy). He would say this in the same manner Jae says, "ghim!" So I could not muster enough seriousness to say, "Sabe enerjhee!" to Ellie without cracking a smile. I started to laugh out loud as I imagined my dad saying those infamous words while Ellie flipped on the lights. She caught me laughing and started to laugh as well.

1 comment:

jon said...

As she grows, keep shortening the stool with a skill-saw, to leave her an inch shy of the light switch.

If nothing else, it shall provide you with entertainment.