Thursday, September 7


So Ellie's been asked to serve as a flower girl at my cousin's wedding. Today is the big rehearsal and dinner. I've been prepping her up for this event all month long. She seems excited about wearing her dress and getting her hair done, but knowing her, I'm not sure she will make it down the aisle once she sees all those people watching her, but then again, there will be another flower girl so hopefully they will get to know each other tonight and Ellie will be willing to cooperate tomorrow. And it's really no big deal if she doesn't...I think it's more common for girls her age to become shy at the very last moment rather than prance down the aisle, but still, it would be cute...wait a will be cute either way.
Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natalie is my "not afraid of anything" child. She was in my brother's wedding almost 3 years ago (VERY adorable by the way). Anyway, Jon ended up carrying her down the aisle-she wouldn't move (he was the "coach" standing in the back of the church with the girls). Everyone thought that was the cutest part of the wedding, so it works out either way. I am sure she will look beautiful, and whatever she decides to do at the last minute will be fine!