Tuesday, May 15

Evil Mom

Ellie decided to join me on an excursion to Walgreens today. It was a bit rainy today so I opened up an umbrella, walked Ellie to her car seat and propped the umbrella half on the roof of the car and the other half on the car door so I could buckle Ellie into her seat without both of us getting wet. Ellie became amazed. You should have seen the look on her face. She couldn't understand what was holding the umbrella in place, so I jokingly said, "I have magical powers!" Then Ellie said in a cartoonish-villianish way, "Of evil! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Hey! Mommy's not evil!"
"Ha! Ha! Ha!." (again, in that sinister voice)

Is this what kids think of their Moms?

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