Monday, January 26

Just distracted

The day has finally arrived. I'm absolutely normal...says my neurologist. The test results all came back normal. Darn! I was hoping there would be some legitimate excuse I could use as a scapegoat for my absent-minded professor like behavior. Soooooooo, my doctor advised that I start taking a multi-vitamin with folic acid, get on a better sleep cycle, and really think about switching my meds. He suspects it is the main culprit for the memory loss.

Anyways, I turn on the tv this morning and see an aerobic workout program. The kids are on the couch just staring at the people (they've never seen anyone in the house workout before). I start working out in front of them. I was quite a sight to see. The kids get a good laugh.

I called my mother-in-law today. I seldom call her or my own mother, but for some reason, I felt like hearing her voice. I told her so and she said it finally feels like we're family. I think originally she thought I had called just to wish her a happy chinese/korean new year, but I havn't the slightest clue. She said thanks for calling cuz whenever I do, it's "good news" and I'm considered a "celebrity" in their home. Ha ha ha. I'm like a rare deer sighting.

It's strange speaking with people you don't know. Yesterday I spoke with a cousin in Korea whom I haven't seen since I was 4 years old. I recognize her name, but not her face. She sounded really nice and someone I may really like if I could speak Korean well. Same deal with my mother-in-law. But I guess you have to talk to people you don't know well and go through that discomfort for the mere purpose of knowing and being comfortable with them and learning to love them.

Hmmm...I feel Zenish.

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