Saturday, June 4

An "early" mid-life crisis

My birthday is slowly approaching ( bracelet) and I'm beginning to feel older and heavier. I can't fight it from happening...I have to just deal. Poopy to that!

Just this morning I found a 1 and a half inch long white hair growing from my eyelid! Yes! I pay so much attention to my face, I hadn't realized I was growing a whisker for weeks that would turn me into a cat! What was more shocking was that Jae didn't seem to be surprised! Hmmm... My blackheads have found a nice oily home on my nose and my forehead is beginning to form the San Andreas fault. The daily scratches I find at the end of the day are not healing as fast and my scale is lying to me! The skin on my arms and legs resemble closely to the reptilian family.

So, with these things in mind, I've come to a conclusion that I must now begin a night-time regimine which consists of washing my face with something other than bar soap, toning my face with toner to restore ph balance the cleanser has taken away, and moisturizing my face, arms, and legs with lotion containing *miracle* vitamins and other ingredients found in the Amazon. Including this torturous ritual, I must now set aside time to move my limbs until I sweat and only eat grass and water in hopes that my fat cells will be so repulsed by this diet, they will leave my body.

And as I said to my friend, "I now refuse to take any advice, encouragement, or 'it's had a baby' from someone who is taller, thinner, younger, or prettier than me." Being that I am only 5 feet tall, this leaves me with dwarves and children to receive comfort from.

(By the way, I'm really not this depressed...okay? Just having fun with aging.)


Caffeinator said...

Hmm, I don't recall ever finding white hairs growing from my eyelid...that's a new one on me. I have plenty of white hairs on my head though - Duksim and my mom can attest to that (and relish yanking them out for me - though those misses and mistakes with the normal black ones can be rather annoying at times...) Duksim is all about those nighttime rituals of lotions, moisturizers, slapping herself silly, etc...

debbie said...

you're going to new orleans? when! with who? ooo... exciting...

Caffeinator said...

Who's going to New Orleans??? Amazing the things that go on when the Shin family decide to eat lunch apart from small group...are you taking Jae, or is he banished for hoarding all those computers?

debbie said...

a trip to new orleans sounds like lots of fun! i hope you guys like it. have you ever been there? the people are really nice there and do indulge in nightlife quite a bit. oh! there's lots of cute stores and boutiques to go to. i think you'll like those. and oh! there's a place you HAVE to go to cafe du monde and get beignets! they are delicious!

tyggergirl said...

oooh... i'm 5' 2"! that's dwarfish enough. let's see. what advice can i dole out...

hmm... i don't particularly like advice either so i'll just give product reviews. my 2 favorite body lotions are curel and lubriderm. if they don't work for you, then maybe you're more of a vaseline intensive care girl (it doesn't do crap for me). a splurge is kiehl's creme de corps - my favorite for battling chicago winters. oh, and and are my best friends.

EJ said...

White hair will make it's appearance EVERYWHERE!!! Let your imagination take you to your conclusion.

jon said...

I'd be overjoyed with just one stray hair, but mine continues to migrate from my head to other locations like my back, my ears and nearly every other place that shouldn't have hair.