Tuesday, July 19

Day 10

It's been 10 days since Ellie started waking early from her naps. We still don't know what the problem is and I'm so sleep deprived, I can't manage to read Harry Potter. Sucks.

I've tried exhausting all factors that could contribute to her early rising, but I have to say, in no way is Ellie ready to give up her naps or shorten her nap time since she's been waking up in a startled manner and has been cranky and clingy.

Today, I took my sister's advice and did not turn on her cd player. I had a suspicion this could be it. Her cd plays for exactly44 minutes in length and then turns off automatically. I didn't think initially this was the problem since she's been sleeping with music since the day she was born, but I've been thinking it's a combination of the music turning off...leaving the AC to sound much louder during her light sleep cycle...thus waking her up. I know it's a stretch of a thought. And also due to the fact that she's been dealing with a cold AND allergy AND possibly teething could have made it more difficult for her to sleep.

I also found her nice thin blanket she has been without for several days and also her stuffed lamb, which I found under her pillow. She embraced both as I put her in the crib.

Ugh...a loud plane has just flown by and she is awake.

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