Monday, December 5

My List...Revised!

By request, here is my Christmas list...

1)CD--Fall on Me: Women in Worship Live (the cover on this cd is a bit scary and strange considering it's a Christian CD, but it's Vineyard...what more do I need to say? =) But I like Kim McMechan's rendition of "Surrender" and "Could I" on this particular CD)

2)DVD--Little Women

3)Pajamas Size M (prefer warm materials like fleece or flannel...not the thin cotton ones, otherwise, what's the point?)


5)Coffee Maker (it's old)

6)Rice Cooker (our rice is turning dry on top and soggy in the middle/bottom

7)Rice Container (our current one is a hand-me-down that was once infested with roaches, spiders, and ants)

The last 3 items are really more for the home than for me...although I want them more than Jae does...and hopefully none of them are expensive, but I could live without them for another year.


debbie said...

hey, we missed you sunday. i hope you had a good time with your family (is that the right thing to ask?) oh, and now you've got me thinking about going out for my birthday. i was just going to stay home and sulk (the thing i do best.) but, maybe. it would all be worth it to go out with you again. woohoo! wany, boogie down! (boogie down?!?!?)

Caffeinator said...

tmi on that rice container...but then again, the added protein from the little critters can be a healthy thing...

debbie said...

hey, this may sound really weird. but, whenever i'm having a hard day at work (which is usually everyday)or stay unnecessarily late (like today), i go to your blog to see pictures of ellie. she always provides some relief. thanks!