Thursday, January 26

The Box is Here!

My husband likes to order "things" online. So there are days like yesterday when I'll hear a knock on the door and automatically assume it's a delivery guy...dropping off some box containing some sort of computer-related thing-a-ma-jig and not answer the door. FedEx knows when we've changed the look of our foyer. It's that frequently sparatic drop-offs, kind of like my husband's shopping habit.
Chloe heard the knock yesterday and started barking and Ellie jumps up. She says, "daddy's home!" I told her "A box is here! Let's go open the door." When I opened the door, I saw FedEx pull away from the curb as the driver gave me the "what's up" nod out the window.
We've all become conditioned. Every time Chloe started barking today, Ellie jumped up and said, "the box is here!"


slacker said...

i love getting mail... maybe that's why i shop online/catalog instead of going to stores...

Alex Maidy said...

HILARIOUS! I would order stuff like that too, but MY wife would probably beat me up!