Monday, April 3

No Sale

Well, as it turns out, my mom came over today so I showed her the pile and pile of clothes I left to give away. I told her she could pick out the clothes she liked and the rest I could sell at a garage sale. My mom decided that she liked all of them! Sorry guys, but no sale today. I was hoping to make more than $2 profit on clothes at the garage sale. My mom's a clothes monster. If she wasn't family, I'd charge her $100 for loss of profit, darn it!

Despite what my snotty husband said about used clothes, I'm not too proud to buy clothes from a garage sale or thrift store. Twas my favorite past time. And who'd turn down free clothes? They are in excellent condition! Saying, "I'm too spoiled." is like saying, "I know it's bad, but I don't care." Is it that strange to take clothes from people you know? What's the deal? Am I just turning into my grandmother? "Don't let the cheese go to waste!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I can still sell my clothes so we can finally build that swing out front...
