Monday, July 24


I've finally turned 74 years old. I pulled a butt muscle about 3 weeks ago...didn't really think about it at the time. I was giving Ellie a bath and I was attempting to straighten out my back when I felt my butt muscle burning...similar burning feeling when one works out their arms or know how they say, "feel the burn", that's what I felt, only I was neither working out nor trying to feel any burn.

So the next week, I would feel a sharp pain when I would bend over at the sink to wash my face or brush my teeth, but it soon went away and I could walk normally. The next week, it took a little longer for me to recover from the sharp pain in my butt. If felt just like the time when I pulled my shoulder, only now, it was my butt. Can I say "butt" one more time?

So I'm trying to visualize my skeletal anatomy...where exactly are my hip bones?...where's the joint? It felt like I pulled a joint out of socket. Searched online and I was surprised to discover our hip bone and socket joins at the butt. If you think I'm dumb for not knowing this, you have every right. I'm so bad with science/medicine, it's funny, which is why I pretend to be the "doctor" when someone is hurt or throw off the scent that I really have no clue what's wrong. Did you know I was a biology major hoping to be pre-med for like 3 months in college? I got a "C" in the first course. Eight years later I was allowed to share all my mis-informed knowledge of science as a teacher to unsuspecting 2nd and 3rd grade students.

But I digress, back to my butt, I definitely pulled a muscle or ligament that's supposed to help the hip joint stay in place. It doesn't help that I'm pregnant either cuz not only does the increasing weight on my hips delay the healing process, but pregnancy also causes all your joints and ligaments to loosen to accomodate baby's growth and prepare for delivery. Gads! How am I going to do that?

The limping and difficulty getting up and down from a chair can't help be noticed and I'd desperately like one of those walkers, so what will I say when people ask what's wrong? It seems strange to say I hurt my hip when in fact, I really hurt my butt, but it's less embarrassing to say hip, so I think I'll just say I look really good for a 74 year old.


Caffeinator said...

you're the second person i know who's pulled their butt muscle - the other person was a friend back in college that he sustained while working out at the gym...don't ask, it wasn't pretty.

debbie said...

i've pulled a butt muscle before. i can show you stretches to help it. ha ha.. it's pretty awkward, so i would advise you to not do them in public. or, if you want to get a rise out of people, you can. ;)