Wednesday, August 23

Dr. visit

God answers us again. The zoo outing went well...the kids had fun and no rain. You can see some pics on my hubby's blog and hyung boo's blog. I love going to the zoo.

Ellie had her 3rd year check up yesterday. She couldn't be more excited to see her doctor. All she talked about was showing the doctor the boo-boo on her knees...and Ellie even made Dr. Winiger listen to her boo-boo with the stethoscope. Ellie weighs 28 pounds (gained 3 pounds since February) and is 36 inches tall. She is at the 25th percentile...small, but not unusual considering she's got a short mommy. I'm probably at the 5th percentile among adults!

Anyways, there's a corkboard full of pictures which hangs above the scale. As Ellie stepped up on the scale to be weighed and measured, I looked at the pictures and noticed Ellie's baby picture still up there. I believe that picture was taken exactly 3 years from yesterday's appt. date. I can't wait to add Kate's baby picture among their collection.

And we asked the question about potty training..."should we lay off when she feels frustruated or keep pushing?" The answer...."step back. she'll go when she's ready to go." I read so many conflicting advice, it's just nice to hear one from a doctor I trust. I worry too much.

On a side note...can someone nominate me to go on "What Not To Wear"?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

potty training...AGH! we haven't even started thinking about this for cadence. something tells me she's not ready because she never cares whether her diaper is dirty or not. ugh. where's the easy button when you need one?