Thursday, November 2

Bread and Water

People have been asking me what I'd like to eat after I giving birth. I no longer care. As long as it's food, I will eat it.

Gestational Diabetes requires me to stay away from sweets like fruit and desserts and simple carbs like rice and pasta...that's basically my main diet. =)

Swelling of my feet and ankles requires me to stay away from anything salty or back up diet.

The flatulance/gas I've had requires me to stay away from vegatables, beans, and fried foods.

My God! What is there left for me to eat? Jail food! But if I'm really good, I can have a glass of milk or a piece of fruit in the middle of the frickin' night when all I want to do at that time is to sleep.

I feel hungry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How you holding up?? :)

- TOK (The Other Kate)