Monday, January 15

Take 5

After trying numerous types of formula, we've finally seemed to find the one Kate agrees with. Either that, or she's setttled into a rythmn. Kate's been so gassy for the past 6 weeks she's had trouble staying asleep and because she hasn't gotten good sleep, she's been cranky.

Anyways, it seems Kate is lactose intolerant...just like her dad. She Enfamil lacto-free seems to agree with her tummy, but Kate doesn't seem to like the taste. Oh well. Maybe she will be a good eater through all this. I've also finally found a sleeping routine she seems to agree with. Jae and I were able to get at least 3 hours of continuous sleep.

Even though Kate is our second child, Jae and I have forgotten most everything about how to feed a baby and put them down for bed. Especially since each child is different, I really don't think it matters how many children one has, it's always a new experience and a learning process. Maybe Jae and I were too prideful in that manner, thinking we could handle it. How God breaks our pride and reminds us how much we need His wisdom.

Anyways, go Bears!

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